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N u R d J P Q j ` k I J K I l K J M J M I J K I l K J M J M m W k W X c a n G o G ^ H n W X c m W p G W X ^ o W _G ` p N qr s F t I l N u R d Q P I v^ T w K J K J M J I # z $ !View a d b f e c txt from RELIGION 1 at University of Michigan y u o r j s m j k d j s n t pHS HSxxx HGA to HHZ South Africa GUA GUAxx VNA to VNZ Spain M Mxxxx EAA to EGZ Sweden SA SAxxx SAA to SMZ Switzerland HB HBnnn United Kingdom K Knnn B, G and M (British colonies not autonomous VPA to VSZ) GE GEAxx, GEBxx, GEDCA GF (lighter than air craft) GFAAx GG (gliders) GGAAx United States of America N Nxxxx KDA to

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